Hello everyone! Our sew along group continues to grow which is very exciting. This week for week 4 make sure you take a look at my video to see how I make the pine cones on our week 4 snow lady look almost real. I also have some other tips and answer some questions that I received. I hop you find helpful.
Please also join our Sew Along Group search FaceBook groups for “PGT Snow Lady /Snow Man Sew Along” and see more tips from me plus shared pictures and questions from others in the group. Let’s help each other out and make this sew along the best we can!
Question. Would any of you be interested in a Zoom class taught by me? I have been thinking of dong that what do you think? Let me know.
Also check out this new gnome design I named “Eggnome” let me know what you think!
This fun and easy wall hanging is available as pattern only or also as a pattern+pre-printed rustic linen block.
Thank everyone for your support and lets’s keep our feet on the ground and our eyes on our sewing!