Two New Bunny Patterns and Block 1 of Wild & Wonderful SAL Revealed!

Hello everyone and Happy Easter! I truly hope you all were able to enjoy Easter a little more this year than last and were able to spend some time with your loved ones. 

I have a two new design I wanted to share and it seems fitting on this Easter to show you my Bunny Surprise I and Bunny Suprise II designs. Bunny I is a great little table Matt to use how you would like and Bunny II is a banner that fits nicely into a Ackfeld Table Stand 6x6 Scalloped Charcoal stand. If search web you will find them and that is how I have bunny displayed. I think you’d love both of these bunnies!

The Wild & Wonderful Stitch A Long has really come to life. Order your kits soon before the run out. Also, remember my block is revealed on May 8th and will not ship until May 6th. The first block was revealed this yesterday Make sure you take a look and get involved in the fun. Get you free PDF file of block 1 and order your kits from the link below.

Week 11 Snow Lady Colors

He everyone. Wow can you believe week 11 is here in our Snow Lady Snow Man Sew A Long? Its been so much fun I am little sad we are getting to the end of it. I am working hard on finishing the my quilt and checking the pattern that participants of the sew a long will be getting in about a week, In the meantime here is Snow Lady Week 11. Also if you are buying pre printed linen as you go week 11 is available now too.

Week 10 Snow Man Block Colors Revealed

Hi everyone, Just a quick note for now. Please check back soon for exciting news on the Wild & Wonderful Sew Along and be to check newsletter that wug be going out tomorrow for more on that, including how you can preorder your kits.

For now check out SnowMan Week 10 now if full living color! For everyone along there is not a video this week , but there are no new stitches or techniques used on this block. If yo do have questions please let me know. Here he is and how the quilt is shaping up. About 2 week until final quilt instructions come out.

Week 10 Snowman Web.jpg
week 10 quilt.jpg

Snow Along Week 8 & 9!

He everyone. We are pushing to the finish line on our Snow Lady / Snow Man Sew A Long! This week you can now see both week 8 and 9 in the colors I choose to use and the stitches. Check them out below. Both use the same stitching techniques and I I also have a new YOUTUBE video of how I stitched the little window in week 8. Check it out at end of blog and let me know what other questions you may have.

Here are the block 8

Block 9

For anyone joining late. Here is all 12 pdf blocks in one bundle.

I think both ladies are adorable. Here is a link to the Week 8 video with more info.

Well until next week, keep safe and keep sewing! As always many, many blessing to everyone!


Sew Along Week 7

Hi everyone. Our sew a long blocks continue to have the colors added in and we are past the half way mark. What does everyone think? Its been great seeing the pictures of from the group shared in the FaceBook group PGT Snow Lady / Snow Man Sew A Long, If you have not joined the group please and share your block images. I would love to see them!

week 7 quilt.jpg

For more tips on your blocks check out my YouTube Channel and this weeks video where I should week 7 and a peak at week 8. I also have gotten in my fabrics in for putting together the full quilt. I will be offering kits of the fabric for the quilts when we get to that point in limited numbers. Let me know if interested.

Also I am lucky enough to be 1 of 9 designers collaborating on a sew upcoming sew along. It is going to be so much fun! Please join the group it is called Wild & Wonderful Stitch a long. More to come on that very soon.

As always many blessing to everyone!


Week 5 Sew Along Tips & a new Gnome design!

Hi everyone. What a week it has been and I feel like I am running behind! Thanks to everyone that has joined the PGT Snow Lady / Snow Man Sew Along FaceBook group. It is great seeing people share their progress. everyone is doing such beautiful work! Please join the group and share your progress. The video this week a share some type and info for the folks who may not be doing the block on linen and had some questions when using cotton fabrics. I also cover other tips and techniques as we move onto blocks 5 and 6.

Week 5 preprinted on rustic linen is now available for individual purchase. If you would have ordered individual pre-printed linens and would like to save some money on shipping let me know which blocks you need and I can package 4 thru 12, 5 thru 12 or what ever you’d like and that would save on shipping costs.

I just added a brand new design for Valentines. It is very easy and I am sure you can have it done in time. It is Called “Hug Me Gnome”. He is so cute and who could not use a hug about now. I dream of the days when we can hug our loved ones again. Here he his. What do you think?

Thank you everyone so much. I am sorry for the short blog this week. It never seems to be enough time during the week. Many, many blessing to everyone, keep safe and keep sewing!


Week 4 Sew Along Tips!

Hello everyone! Our sew along group continues to grow which is very exciting. This week for week 4 make sure you take a look at my video to see how I make the pine cones on our week 4 snow lady look almost real. I also have some other tips and answer some questions that I received. I hop you find helpful.

Please also join our Sew Along Group search FaceBook groups for “PGT Snow Lady /Snow Man Sew Along” and see more tips from me plus shared pictures and questions from others in the group. Let’s help each other out and make this sew along the best we can!

Question. Would any of you be interested in a Zoom class taught by me? I have been thinking of dong that what do you think? Let me know.

Also check out this new gnome design I named “Eggnome” let me know what you think!

This fun and easy wall hanging is available as pattern only or also as a pattern+pre-printed rustic linen block.

This fun and easy wall hanging is available as pattern only or also as a pattern+pre-printed rustic linen block.

Thank everyone for your support and lets’s keep our feet on the ground and our eyes on our sewing!

Week 3 Sew Along Tips / Techniques and More!

Wow, week three already. Time sure does fly by! Lets jump right into it. First since this sew along it not a class per say I am trying to answer questions best I can and its important to watch the videos. A lot of you have been buying the preprinted linen pieces and I had some questions about that. I covered that in week one blog video but wanted to also add to this blog if anyone missed it as this is an important point.

Important Tip:

If you are doing painting techniques of your choice just be careful and do not use too much of textile colorless Extender. Linen can shrink if it absorbs too much liquid. Also, leave the backing paper on the preprinted linen when applying the extender and after it is dry carefully remove the paper. You can then prepare your block like I showed in the video using the woven fusible interfacing sew a straight stitch with your machine 1/8” from the edge all around the block.

Also, from now on per request all preprinted linen blocks will also include the paper copy of the block.

Make sure you follow Patterns From Grandma's Trunk on Facebook as I planing to host a live video stream this Monday January 18th at 4:00pm Central time on to answer questions live and also show sone more tips and projects.I hope to see you there!

Below you find a short video for week three. It has some great tips on week three and a sneak view of the start if week 4. I shortened it up and I hope you get a chance to watch.

Remember I’d love to see you progress. Send me an image and I’ll share on my Facebook page. Any suggestions on what you would like to see on upcoming videos or blogs please let me know.

Thank you so very much for supporting a small business and blessings to everyone.

Sew long until next week! Patricia

Sew Along Week 2 Blog Tips / Techniques

First things first. Thank you so very much to everyone participated in our Snow Lady / Snow Man sew along. I appreciate so very much and as mentioned in my news letter to my surprise it has become an International sew along. So welcome everyone where ever you may call home and do you sewing.

I have received some questions on the colored pencils I use. I have been using Prismacolor and Polycolor pencils. I have been using these brands for long time. I like how it gives the finished designed on linen an old fashion look. Some folks have asked about Inktense pencils. I have not tried them yet but plan on ordering some to see how they work on linen. There would be nothing wrong with them the color may just be a little more vivid than the pencils I am using.

For this week’s blog video I start off providing some basic tips on thread showing how I thread my needles, how I condition the thread with pure bees wax (which I also sell) and some other types. The rest of the video focusing on showing you the stitches used on the project and how I do them.

Please leave comments questions you may have here on the blog page, YouTube, or Facebook ( )

That way we can all share information as group.

Thanks again for supporting a small independent business like mine and blessings to everyone! Stay safe, healthy and sewing!


Sew Along Week 1 Blog Tips / Techniques

Hi everyone. It’s great to see everyone who has already started the Snow Lady / Man sew along. I am excited about the fun we can all have together and watching the group grow! For the tips and techniques this week I put together a video that you can watch how I do my blocks with a combination of coloring and embroidery. Please like the video and subscribe to that as well as I periodically post videos on techniques I use on designs. One thing I will let you know. I am deaf and use a Cochlear implant for hearing and English is my second language but I do the best I can. Please let me know any feedback you may have to make this Sew Along as fun as possible for everyone.


Hi everyone and Happy New Year from Patterns from Grandma’s Trunk! I think we all glad to see 2020 in our rear view mirror. How about starting the new year with a Sew Along with me? I have started this 12 block quilt design of mystery snow ladies and men. For week one it is a snow lady asking for snow. Over the coming weeks I will add a new snow lady or man. Here is a sneak look at the quilt with block one filled in.

Here is a closer look at the first block which can purchased as a PDF download for only $1.00 or if you like preprinted on rustic linen for only $9.50. (block sizes are 8.5” x 11”) 

Here is a closer look at the first block which can purchased as a PDF download for only $1.00 or if you like preprinted on rustic linen for only $9.50. (block sizes are 8.5” x 11”) 

As mentioned each week for the next 3 months a new mystery snow lady or man will be added on the website . At the end everyone who participates in all 12 blocks will be emailed your final instructions for the complete quilt with no additional charge…

As mentioned each week for the next 3 months a new mystery snow lady or man will be added on the website . At the end everyone who participates in all 12 blocks will be emailed your final instructions for the complete quilt with no additional charge. 

Also follow my blogs on my progress of the sew along for tips and techniques I use on the designs. 

I hope to sew along with you soon!

Blessing to all!


Patterns From Grandmas Trunk, 110 Winding Ridge Rd, 50622, United States

My favorite tools and some tips to help on your projects.

These are my personal favorite notions I keep in my sewing basket.

Tulip Embroidery Needles Assorted thin #7,8,9,10

Chenille Needles# 24

Sewline Glue Pen 

Roxanne Glue-Baste-It 

Fray Check

Sewline Mechanical Fabric Pencil Black and White 

Heat Erasable Fabric marking pens


Small Ruler 

Small point scissor 


Valdani threads.

Now we will start using those tips and tools. 

Most of my designs are wool appliqué on  toweling,cotton fabric or linen that’s what you will see in my examples but also can be used for wool on wool appliqué as well. Make sure to carefully read your pattern instructions and materials list to pick your fabric and wool 

1- Using a light box or using the method you chose transfer templates shapes onto fusible web. My personal favorite is  Heat n’ Bond Light , but you can use your preferred brand. Use your template page to trace the number of shapes needed for your motif onto the paper side. The shiny side will be what fuses to the wool. I like to trace shapes leaving about 1/4” between tracing.


When you cut the shapes out  make sure to cut out of the drawing line . 

Here the pieces cut out:

Image 2.jpeg

Make sure to reverse templets if necessary. For example if you have a cup with a handle that is supposed to face left when you place the wool piece on your background fabric, you need to position the template for the cup on the fusible web with the handle facing right. Pay close attention, because some designers may have the templates in the pattern already reversed.

2- Now we will iron the fusible pieces onto the wool. Make sure to follow the manufacture’s directions of the fusible web you chose for the iron temperature. I like to fuse the shapes as close together as possible since wool is so expensive. Most patterns provide measurements for size of wool pieces you need for each color. You can see in the picture how I laid mine out


Now we will cut the pieces out. Here is when we use the draw line as a guide to cut each shape. This ensures that your wool pieces will look like they should.


Now, just peel off the paper backing and the shiny side in your wool piece it is ready to fuse to the background.


3- You can Fuse wool pieces to the background fabric by using a wet white towel (very damp) to prevent color bleed in to your project and your iron, the steaming helps to fuse the pieces to the background fabric. Just be careful laying the white towel over the design to not move any of the pieces out of place. Carefully lift the towel to check on the fusing. Repeat this into all pieces are secure. Some people use staples. Note: I do not use these techniques but wanted to let you know there are multiple ways to fuse.

I use the Sewline Glue pen or Roxanne Glue-Baste-It. I just find that is the easiest and cleanest way to fuse and it works very well for me. I also find using the fusible keeps the wool shapes from stretching during this step of the project.

Here I show you how I glue all pieces down first before stitching 


Now we are ready to stitch.

I use Valdani Perle Cotton size #12 Threads, sometimes matching colors, sometimes contrasting colors. I use no more than 18” long strand of thread. I like to use Beeswax to conditioner my treads

The most common stitches used when I stitch down my appliqué pieces:

Blanket stitch, Stem stitch, Chevron stitch,Chain stitch, Lazy Daisy stitch, Feather stitch, Running stitch, French knot, Colonial Knot, and often I like to combine a couple stitches to create something different.

Here some pictures showing some stitches:

Blanket Stitch

Blanket Stitch

Strem Stitch and French Knots

Strem Stitch and French Knots

Feather Stitch

Feather Stitch


I want to show you how I like to do when I finished stitching a piece or come to an end of the thread so no need for a knot .


Just feed the tail of the thread through the last stitches on the back of the project. This way it will be safe and no need for a knot.

Now to start a new strand of thread I do something similar. I just feed through the last stitches the new strand of thread on the back of my project and bring needle to the front and keep stitching. This should secure it and again no need to tie a knot.


I hope this simple steps and pictures were helpful. Stitching takes some practice, but I am sure you can do it. For me this is very relaxing and the best part is I can take it anywhere.

Into next time,

Blessed stitches!


Super Excited!

I am so excited to let everyone know that one of my quilt designs has been selected as a semi-finalist in the Paducah Quilt Week Show in April of 2020! What a honor! A big part of it being selected is because of the extraordinary quilting done by Julia Quiltoff! Thank you Julia for your unbelievable work and for partnering with me on this project. Wish us luck!

Hello Everyone!

I am very excited to be finally starting to get my website up and running. ON this site I plan to add new designs of pattern that will be for sale as well as keep everyone up to date on what I am working on. I hope you enjoy the site and my designs!

Patricia Sanabria-Friederich